The latest addition to the Awesome PSB Range is the "Fruit Sorbet 2"

The reason and thought process behind this very Special Bait Range is for the Colder Months and Sub Zero Water Temperatures in Winter it's as simple as that. When people talk about HNV Old Classic Base Mixes that have stood the test of time over decades we wanted to create our very own HNV Basemix loading our Bait with Quality Grade A Milk Protein Powders and Secret Ingredients which we'll keep very quiet but also having a Basemix thats different to everything you'll currently see out there.

We've certainly thought outside the box and this bait being on test over many months will be launched with confidence knowing it's an extremely Digestible Soluable Creamy Mix that Carp Love in vastly Cold Water Temperatures.

We've gone and sourced certain Powders and Flavours in Liquid form away from the Bait Trade to compliment the whole range of the "Fruit Sorbet 2" the name alone gives a little bit away but under no circumstances are we stating in our description all our products used so the vultures in the saturated bait game can jump all over.

We are onto something unique to us here at PSB and when you look into Ingredients such as Whey, Rennet Casein, Calcium Caseinate, Lactobulmin, Natural Herbs, Lactose and Amino Acids from Milk Proteins you'll understand the cost involved rolling the Basemix alone without the attractors. The bait is rolled with Fresh Egg White only and has a fine blend of ground Soy Beans, Whole and Crushed Hempseed for added Crunch, Vitamealo and Acid Casein which will aid the take on from that stinky silt and leaf ridden lakebed in the Colder Months.

We've gone and added the Awesome Attractors in Liquid and Powder form in the known Winning Formula of  a proven milk and OldSkool Flavours one which adds Acidity that gives the bait a very potent Sweet Milky Aroma with a Fruit Twist. The "Fruit Sorbet 2" is a Special Fresh Frozen Bait indeed and will be a Go To Food Bait for those Colder Months and Winter one bait is all you need if it's a bait that works wherever you go, the "Fruit Sorbet 2" will give you Confidence knowing once the Carp are located they will be happy to eat and digest this boilie instantly and be coming back for more proofs in the pudding so to speak.

You cannot over feed the Carp in Winter with this Bait but it's about Quality Not Quantity the Minimum Order is 5k Bags which will last you a few sessions in Winter unless your really wanting to have massive results on your Winter Syndicate and switching the Carp onto the "Fruit Sorbet 2" by going in Mass. We have designed the bait for Instant High Attraction but also to give the Carp a meal they won't forget in Winter we know Fisheries and Lake Owners will love you using the "Fruit Sorbet 2" because your feeding the Carp what they require as regards to Nutrition through the Winter Months on their Lake. To compliment the "Fruit Sorbet 2" Fresh Food Bait we have the One Off Special "Secret Sherbert" Powder, "Juice Concentrate" Hookbait Blend and "Frenzied Milkshake" Food Dip which is Pva Friendly all must be shaken well before Use but something again that alot of thought has gone into with great success and cannot be copied in anyway.

All Baits are rolled fresh from order and can be used straight away when recieved or frozen. We advise on short day sessions in Winter to give your Fresh Food Baits a Light Coating of the "Frenzied Milkshake" the day before even adding some of our "Sweet Milky Cloud" to powder coat your freebies giving you maximum instant high attraction the minute they hit the water leaking off 100% natural food signals through the water column.

We cannot wait for you guys to get your hands on this Whole "Fruit Sorbet 2" Range it's all a massive Secret it's a Winner and remember it's about Quality in Winter let's hope we here at Pukka Squirrel Baits can make your long Cold Winter Season the best one yet.


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